Collage of closeup shots of tabernacle door, holy water container, stained glass window

Church Schedule

     * This schedule is subject to change.  Please visit our homepage for the latest update.


Weekday Masses

Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays - 12:10 pm Mass

*Church opens at 11 am, closes after the Mass.

Tuesdays / Thursdays - 8:00 am Mass

*Church opens at 7:15 am, closes after the Mass.

Saturdays / Public Holidays - 10:00 am Mass

*Church opens at 9:15 am, closes after the Mass.


- 30 minutes before weekday Masses (except Thursdays)

- Saturdays from 4 pm to 4:40 pm


Sunday Masses

Saturday - 5 PM

*Church opens at 4 pm, closes after the Mass.

Sunday - 9 AM, 11 AM

*Church opens at 8:20 am & 10:20 am, closes after the Mass.


Masks are optional but highly recommended.

** Broadway Ave. is one-way westbound. Both parking lot gates are open for Sunday Masses; only the Exit gate is open for weekday Masses.

Please review our safety protocols before coming to church.