Closeup of Lectionary, Chalice and Ciborium on altar

Liturgical Ministries

Icon of Altar Servers in Black and White
Altar Servers
The Altar Server assists the members of the liturgical assembly by presenting or arranging vessels and other items used in the celebrations. Their reverent and efficient service enable other ministers to attend to their own roles while the liturgical actions unfold with calm, order and appropriate decorum. As members of the assembly who are often visible to all, the Altar Servers also model good liturgical participation. There are many tasks carried out by Altar Servers: carrying the cross, the processional candles, holding the book for the priest, carrying the incense and censer, presenting the bread, wine, and water to the priest, washing the hands of the priest and being called upon by the priest to assist where necessary. Since Altar Servers are often visible to all, they complete their tasks in a reverent, calm and orderly manner.
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as you teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16, RSV-CE. St. Augustine says that "he who sings praise, not only sings, but also loves him of whom he sings" (Exposition on Psalm 73, New Advent). In other words, singing is an expression of love and worship towards God and it expresses it more profoundly than words that are said. This is why we attribute the saying, "he who sings, prays twice," to St. Augustine. Hence, The Choir’s role at St. Monica's Parish has great importance in the Liturgy. Members of the choir share in the proper performance of the music sung, and encourage the active participation of the faithful in the singing, while bringing them into common worship.
A black and white drawing of people singing.
A black and white drawing of hands holding the Lamb of God
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
The Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life." (CCC, 1324). Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the Eucharistic life of St. Monica's Parish by assisting the Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, the priest, during the Rite of Communion. They are acknowledged by the bishop at the request of the Pastor to assist the celebrant and other Ordinary Ministers during liturgy in sharing the Eucharistic body and blood of Christ. They are commissioned by the Pastor or his delegate. The Holy Mass is the greatest prayer of the church, therefore the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are expected to perform this special task with dignity, and participate as an exemplary member of the assembly modeling good liturgical participation.
It is the mission of St. Monica's Parish to proclaim the Word of God, allowing all parishioners to have a personal encounter with Christ. Especially in the Liturgy, which is "the privileged setting in which God speaks to us in the midst of our lives; he speaks today to his people, who hear and respond" (Verbum Domini, 52). St. Paul teaches us that faith comes by hearing, thus the Lector has a vital role in the community. The Lector serves the liturgical assembly by proclaiming Sacred Scripture during the Liturgy of the Word. The competent exercise of this role enables the Church to hear the Word of God more clearly and receive it more readily. In addition, the lector leads the Prayer of the Faithful in the absence of the deacon.
A simple line drawing of a closed Bible.
Photo of a pyx with Eucharist
Ministers to the Sick and Homebound
"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:4. Not all our parishioners are able to attend Mass due to health or accessibility, yet they still belong to St. Monica's Parish and cannot be disregarded. The purpose of this ministry is to celebrate Communion of the Sick with these parishioners and distribute to them the Holy Eucharist. This ministry consists of Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who are commissioned by the pastor.